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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I really never was alive a day before you

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I really never was alive a day before you
And never felt the world's tenderness only with you

I saw in his love the meaning of tender
I will stay with him all the time
And will never leave his eyes for a second
Him and only his eyes took me from fire to heaven
and made me forget

Who hurted me in life and what happened to me in the past
What happened to me in the past.
Let my eyes come and meet him
The one that I didnt live life before him
He will never leave from between my arms whatever happens
Oh days, oh love, oh world why Im I crying?
Maybe from my heart's happiness and
what I am in

Is it possible that theres such thing
Love and tender like this
Something wrong with you or what?
Him and only his eyes took me from fire to heaven
and made me forget
Who hurted me in life and what happened to me in the past
What happened to me in the past.
Let my eyes come and meet him
The one that I didnt live life before him
He will never leave from between my arms whatever happens

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